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Légions Noire
Formal Name: Les Légions Noire de l'Ouest
The Black Legions of the West
Founded: 4077 - Nantes
Motto: Pas de Retraite, Pas de Reddition, Pas de Pitié
No Retreat, No Surrender, No Mercy
Primary Traditions: Natovi
Enemies: Vigil

The Légions Noire are a Traveler group which in many ways stemmed from the unresolved tensions between humans+ and baseline humans. 


The Légions were centuries in the making, and can trace their roots back to Colonial conflicts during the Pax Caeli. The Colonies had long been unique melting pots for different Traditions, people who felt that there were no longer opportunities enough for them on the overcrowded surface. Earlier attempts to colonize space by the Sternekinder had failed, at times catastrophically. By using the Tsiolkovsky Towers, Colonists were able to easily import the material they would need to maintain their orbiting homes. Living in orbit had finally become feasible, and as more and more people raced to the stars, the Colonies began to expand. As their populations expanded, more effort was spent on improving the Colonies, making living conditions on them closer to Earth. With the Tsiolkovsky Towers offering easy access to orbit, people traveled easily back and forth from the Colonies to the surface.

The First Congress of the Guild ended all of that with their taxes

But it was Colonial militias, increasingly incensed at The Guild strangling their lifeline to the planet below, began to arm themselves far beyond what the Colonial Charters allowed
